Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Previous Firmware Updates?
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Right, ive managed to get hold of 3.80, but i would like to find where i could find OTHER older updates, for example if i wanted to find 1.50 or something.. Anyone who mentions PSP-Hacks.com should eat some cake and die of poisoning... the website sucks because greg is a penis...

But yeah, anyone know where i could find psp-firmware updates which are older? Thanks... PS sorry for spamming the forums, i do not know what the hell or how to find my way around this particular forum... Lol

Thanks In advance to anyone helps me, if you help me, you can have some nice nut-free / poison free cake!
O... Right, google is my friend... ¬_¬ :P Anyone?
Most cfw are made by  D A , could try going to his website and I think that psp-hacks.com sucks aswell.
dl.qj.net has most of them, but the sorting system for there downlaods is really dodgy and its hard to find most thing
while i don't really like psp-hacks.com it has an almost complete database of previous firmware updates. but im glad you remember the saying 'google is my friend' :)
i forgot who posted this at the shoutbox..
yeah that's most of em - only a few missing.
boogschd Wrote:i forgot who posted this at the shoutbox..

That's the complete set of psp firmware updates I've ever seen, including old updates. Thanks boogschd and to whoever posted the link at the shoutbox. More importantly, thanks to D_A, and mods of the mentioned site.Peace
Anger Wrote:yeah that's most of em - only a few missing.

what's missing? ..Smokingg

pereeski Wrote:That's the complete set of psp firmware updates I've ever seen, including old updates. Thanks boogschd and to whoever posted the link at the shoutbox. More importantly, thanks to D_A, and mods of the mentioned site.Peace

me thinks so too :D .. beats -hacks database :D
boogschd Wrote:what's missing? ..Smokingg

2.00B (well, or A :P)
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