Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Previous Firmware Updates?
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lets not forget the 1.00 original (yes wee can't have it via eboot but there is a 1.00 installer out there)
as mentioned 1.51 and 1.52 are missing but there were also regional updates initially up untill i think about 2.01 as well, however this is still the most complete list available yet.
1.00 installer ?... maybe sony has it under its pillow :D ... lol
i think there was a downgrader from 1.50 to 1.00 somewhere but only the original 1.00 psps could use 1.00 i think
u_c_taker Wrote:i think there was a downgrader from 1.50 to 1.00 somewhere but only the original 1.00 psps could use 1.00 i think

Nope, any 1st gen (TA-079) PSP can be DG'ed to 1.00. Also There is a Bogus 1.00 EBOOT downgrader, but not for the public :\

Your thinking of 0okm's method from way back, I think. (That thing was so... damn slow. It took 20+ minutes to backup 1.00)

My PSP with a UP runs 1.00 and 3.71 M33.
what do u use the 1.00 for?
1.00 loads homebrew very fast, I'm talking IRShell speed. It's a nice FW for testing and modifying.

If one was to flash a 1.00 NAND image without the IDS it will run and install 1.50 that has some bad key, more keys than key cleaner can fix. Its just a quick and lazy way of De-bricking older PSP's.
it was a curiosity more than anything else - it was good to get my psp back to its original 1.00 if only briefly, and yes i do think it was ookms.
Anger Wrote:it was a curiosity more than anything else - it was good to get my psp back to its original 1.00 if only briefly, and yes i do think it was ookms.

xero1, are you looking for the original firmware or the custom firmware, if it's the original, i have some, i have 1.50. 3.40, 3.51. 3.52,3.71 and 3.80
thanks boogs for this!
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