06/02/2008, 10:35 AM
i think wee should do a list of all the known tags that ep haves...
i think wee only have to post the name of the tag
so ill start by the common ones in all BB's
[size=ZZZ] - font size
[font=FntName] - Change Font
[sup] - superscript
[sub] - subscript
[img] - images
[url=link here] - url links
[ code ] - show code
[bg=#Hexclr] Highlight color
[s] - strikeout
[i] - italic
[b] - bold
[align=Direction] - Text Alignment
[list] - bulleted list
[list=1] - numbered list
[list=imglink] - for custom bullets
i think wee only have to post the name of the tag
so ill start by the common ones in all BB's
[size=ZZZ] - font size
[font=FntName] - Change Font
[sup] - superscript
[sub] - subscript
[img] - images
[url=link here] - url links
[ code ] - show code
[bg=#Hexclr] Highlight color
[s] - strikeout
[i] - italic
[b] - bold
[align=Direction] - Text Alignment
[list] - bulleted list
[list=1] - numbered list
[list=imglink] - for custom bullets
those are the basic for MOST BB's
now the EP's list
[xlink] - thanks mehhaker
[center] - Thanks UG
[box=solid 4px #d4d0c8;#6491cc] - Thanks shady
Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
Row 2 |
those are the ones i know... are there any other tags that im missing?