Endless Paradigm

Full Version: list of EP's tags
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i think wee should do a list of all the known tags that ep haves...

i think wee only have to post the name of the tag

so ill start by the common ones in all BB's

[size=ZZZ] - font size
[font=FntName] - Change Font
[sup] - superscript
[sub] - subscript
[img] - images
[url=link here] - url links
[ code ] - show code
[bg=#Hexclr] Highlight color
[s] - strikeout
[i] - italic
[b] - bold
[align=Direction] - Text Alignment
[list] - bulleted list
[list=1] - numbered list
[list=imglink] - for custom bullets

list tag USAGE:
[*]first item
[*]second item

** both the numbered and the bulleted list are used the same way, just change the tag**

those are the basic for MOST BB's

now the EP's list
[xlink] - thanks mehhaker
[center] - Thanks UG
[box=solid 4px #d4d0c8;#6491cc] - Thanks shady


Cell 1 Cell 2
Row 2

[td]Cell 1[/td] [td]Cell 2[/td]
[tr][td span=2]Row 2[/td][/tr]

those are the ones i know... are there any other tags that im missing?

how about the [xlink] tags

anyways thanks for the tags I've been wanting to know how to do a strikethrough for ages!!
oh yeah, those, what do they do though... i mean, how they work?

added on the list by the way
they make these:

  Before You Click
After You Click

They actually go like this:

[xlink] Before You Click [|] After You Click [/xlink]

They're basically glorified spoiler tags. I think that they look cooler though.

ooh ok

ill put it on the list but i won't further explain what it does on the list...
this list will be just for collecting them, once i get them all, a new, clean list will be made and stickyed...
Cool Now I Can Memorize All Of Them Only New All The Basic Ones :D Thanks Kaiser ! :D
wait wee have had stage 6 tags all this time?

no way i should have done this awhile ago
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:wait wee have had stage 6 tags all this time?
no way i should have done this awhile ago

well, actually, the stage6 tags were created between last night/ this morning (EST)

and this list should have been done a while ago...

im even thinking about getting someone (maybe hibby or zinga) that knows how to do firefox extensions to make an EP toolbar, that's gonna WIN
ep tool bar O.o epicness


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