Endless Paradigm

Full Version: list of EP's tags
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I have so many tags, I can't remember them...


Basic ones which come with MyBB can be found here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/misc.ph...help&hid=7
Note that I don't support the [img=#x#] for dimensions, instead [img=left] or [img=right] for image alignment.

I think you can use images as list bullet points - ie [list=http://myimage]

Tables follow HTML similarly, eg:
Cell 1 Cell 2
Row 2

all this time ive been using the [align] code...

thanks for this thread kaiser :D
*edit: hey it works..
I always use center...

And Zinga, what happened to the other thread you had of all of these codes?
diego Wrote:Same.

And Zinga, what happened to the other thread you had of all of these codes?

it got eaten by the void perhaps?

lemme see if i can search for it...
added art tags, i can't believe i forgot it... >_>
people jsut seem to use that to type unnoticably

like this
I like this
haha but it can't fool me at all like this :P
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