Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#22 -- HALO
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Wolf Wrote:Less talking, more entries!

double you tee eff man, i already posted my entry
Pyro Wrote:I has an entry! Yay! First time I've entered for a lil while!
[Image: FinalYodaBITCH.png]


What's Yoda got to do with Halo O_o
hahaha lol. spoon. i thought that ... aah , got the theme mixed up. Star wars has been. damn, I'll do another tomorrow.
Pyro Wrote:hahaha lol. spoon. i thought that ... aah , got the theme mixed up. Star wars has been. damn, I'll do another tomorrow.


Nice sig, nevertheless.....
About 39.5 hours left to enter.

Get your entries in!
Fixed my Entry

[Image: Halosotw.png]


that was a good sig Pyro
lol@mixing up of entries
Right, Here's my entry, and this time, i got the theme right! lol

Not my best, but it'll do.

[Image: Halo1.png]
Ok cool.

Wee have 7 entries so far (that's what I counted)

And 14 hours left to enter.
[Image: HALO.png]
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