Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#22 -- HALO
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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
phew I was breaking a sweat then..... oh wait the central heatings on
Sensei Seito Wrote:
MehHakker Wrote:yay tigerfan!......... oh wait now I'm gonna be whooped Ahh

Calm down MehHakker, tigerfan hasn't made incredibly amazing signatures that aren't Alita-related as far as I know, so I'm interested to see whether Tigerfan has made an all round improvement or not Specky

tigerfan made this
[Image: IronMansig1.png]
diego Wrote:
Sensei Seito Wrote:
MehHakker Wrote:yay tigerfan!......... oh wait now I'm gonna be whooped Ahh

Calm down MehHakker, tigerfan hasn't made incredibly amazing signatures that aren't Alita-related as far as I know, so I'm interested to see whether Tigerfan has made an all round improvement or not Specky

tigerfan made this
[Image: IronMansig1.png]

Too much lighting, IMO.
Entries are open till Friday right?
diego Wrote:
Sensei Seito Wrote:
MehHakker Wrote:yay tigerfan!......... oh wait now I'm gonna be whooped Ahh

Calm down MehHakker, tigerfan hasn't made incredibly amazing signatures that aren't Alita-related as far as I know, so I'm interested to see whether Tigerfan has made an all round improvement or not Specky

tigerfan made this
[Image: IronMansig1.png]

bleh, seen better.
[Image: Halocopy.png]


^my entry

Pyro Wrote:Entries are open till Friday right?

Till Friday 8:00 am EST./

check my sig for the link to the rules.
i think you mean 8:00 AM Est, not PM
Oh yeah sorry, its just that 8am EST is 9PM here. so I wrote PM by accident,

Edited my post.
Less talking, more entries!
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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