Endless Paradigm

Full Version: modified cold boot sound for 3.8
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matchung Wrote:maybe keep away from children before starting your psp

replace into the f0/vsh/module/

does this work on 3.90? i can probably make my own for 3.90 as long as i have a decomressed prx to use. just too lazy to figure out how to decompress the native prx myself :D
it should work on 3.9 too
matchung Wrote:it should work on 3.9 too

wow, not much. it does work on 3.9, but i thought i would be able to copy from and to certain offsets in one of my 3.7 compatible bootsounds into this one like i did to convert from 3.6 to 3.7. that doesn't work because i can't find the offset because the identifying features aren't there in the one for 3.8/3.9 (i usually just looked for "WAVEfmt" in the text column as a reference point for where to start).

i would ask if there's a quick and easy way to convert my 3.7 compatible sounds but if the answer is somewhere in the forums i will feel/look really stupid. maybe I'll just start a new thread if i really can't find the answer...

good work with this one though.
vinnydisilvio Wrote:
matchung Wrote:it should work on 3.9 too

wow, not much. it does work on 3.9, but i thought i would be able to copy from and to certain offsets in one of my 3.7 compatible bootsounds into this one like i did to convert from 3.6 to 3.7. that doesn't work because i can't find the offset because the identifying features aren't there in the one for 3.8/3.9 (i usually just looked for "WAVEfmt" in the text column as a reference point for where to start).

i would ask if there's a quick and easy way to convert my 3.7 compatible sounds but if the answer is somewhere in the forums i will feel/look really stupid. maybe I'll just start a new thread if i really can't find the answer...

good work with this one though.

maybe this can help. http://devilfashion.altervista.org/Boot_Sound_Fk_SA.rar

or u can hex editor, search for "RIFF WAVE", copy starting from that offset, till "thread 1....Lib-PSP libwave"
matchung Wrote:or u can hex editor, search for "RIFF WAVE", copy starting from that offset, till "thread 1....Lib-PSP libwave"

perfecto chango :)
I love these boot sounds when my PSP comes on, there was a theme back on 3.40oe-a that did it, I think it was black 32 im not sure :S


[Image: screaming%20zombie.jpg]
hey can somebody give me a link to some already made bootsounds cause idk how to make them myself
tzill Wrote:hey can somebody give me a link to some already made bootsounds cause idk how to make them myself

try Here
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