Endless Paradigm

Full Version: modified cold boot sound for 3.8
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maybe keep away from children before starting your psp

replace into the f0/vsh/module/
what kind of sound is that?
a female voice =.="
Taken requests???

I fancy the womens voice saying "playstation portable"

If not how are they done on 3.80??
m-tek Wrote:Taken requests???

I fancy the womens voice saying "playstation portable"

If not how are they done on 3.80??

source, i need the source.. i don't have that voice..:S

EDIT!!!! I managed to do it

heres the women saying "playststion portable"

+18 lool :)
Some more here ive been messing...lol

theres :

borat - I like you
robocop - creep
armageddon - "this is as good as it gets"
Dax - this is a text to speech one that says in a kind of stephen hawkins way "dark alex's firmware 3.80 m33"

m-tek Wrote:*******

EDIT!!!! I managed to do it

heres the women saying "playststion portable"

but i remember there is a woman saying "playstation portable,PSP",sounds betterSpecky
Yeah ...I couldnt find it at first ....but here it is

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