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Full Version: PSP or sidekick
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Ok I browse this site alot from my sidekick and psp
But its kinda looks weird because the sidekick browser rearanges the page. Just like in the psp's browser with the settings on smart-fit
So radom info is floating on the right
Some stuff just gets cut off :)

But what I'm suggesting is a board style that is left aligned
That way it would be legible for users browsing from there psp's

Ummm or maybe I could go about making a page design and pming to zing

How many others browse from there psp?
I don't use the psp browser much
used the psp browser for a test run 1 year+ ago and never ever touched it again.
Unfortunately I don't have WiFi, so I can't actually test with the PSP's browser.

Could you give me a screenshot of the stuffed up parts?
i browse on my psp
but sometimes i wish i could turn off css.
but then you can just use the Lynx browser for psp, which doesn't support CSS, so its much faster and stuff doesn't get cut off or anything. i use that for some pages

also the OSK on lynx is 1000000000x times better than the original one so i use lynx for forums

edit: the lynx osk is still comparable to playing guitar or playing piano

on a sidekick you have a qwerty, right? well u just press a button
in lynx, u need to point the analog stick to one of 9 squares (like sudoku) and then press the corresponding button on the right ( X [] O /\ )

edit: its called the danzeff osk

[Image: 6649_12433_newkey1.jpg]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Unfortunately I don't have WiFi, so I can't actually test with the PSP's browser.

Could you give me a screenshot of the stuffed up parts?

Here's the psp browser on smart fit (it sucks so your not missing much)

[Image: video2-1.gif]

you can't go side to side :@
Ge64 Wrote:edit: the lynx osk is still comparable to playing guitar or playing piano

Yeah, I like that keypad far better than te OSK.  iR Shell uses it too :P
Also, Notepad for PSP's keyboard isn't too bad once you get used to it.

YoYoBalls Wrote:Here's the psp browser on smart fit (it sucks so your not missing much)


you can't go side to side :@
Hey, thanks a lot.  It doesn't look to bad too me... >_>
The 2 lines of buttons at the top can be "avoided" by changing the theme I guess.
myeah on my phone its even 3 lines :P

They main problem is actually when I browse from my phone

The quick reply is great. It looks perfect.

But when posting  a new thread can't see what it is I'm writing

Ok ill post some screenshots tomarrow of some of the crowded stuff
Seing as I'm not near a computer right now

Something like the "striped down" (when at the index page. scroll to the very bottom. You will see this option)version would be nice
But with more visual options like last poster and time
And if it actually worked
what about endlessparadigm.com/forums/index.php?css=off which simply removes CSS :P that would work on anything and load very fast too. look ugly though
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