Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Which user on EP would you most like to meet?
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gsmoke:  He is such a nice guy and very smart. And, of course, he loves MK.:D

Organ:  He and I have chats every once in a while, but I would much rather actually get to talk to him in real life.  Everything about him is awesome.

Ge64: He and I are both very weird, and wee both like airsoft gun fights and pokemon.

Squee666: Wee could play some smash bros!
beaner2k6 in accident because he lives like 30 minutes away from me.
other then that i dunno lol
Wolf: Just want to :yes:
Sparker: Is he/she really like that? Well most of my friends are......
Sensei Seito: Cause he's cool
Zinga: Cause he's a wacky fudgeer! No but this is a great forum anyways....:)
damn I forgot Scribble: Is he really gay?? :hmm:
MehHakker Wrote:damn I forgot Scribble: Is he really gay?? :hmm:

Zinga - got to meet the boss!
gsmoke - so wee can play prx hexing
diego, V1 and the rest of the awesome artists - so I can run slide shows of their whole hdd :D
hibby and Pirata Nervo - 'borrow' all his source codes so I finally learn something lol
Ge and Organ - I can sit on their couch and be myself - aka crazy
Ac_K - id take gsmoke with me and spend endless hours perfecting his editor

That would start me out ;)
ix_stylez Wrote:beaner2k6 in accident because he lives like 30 minutes away from me.
other then that i dunno lol
oh what really? wee should meet up sometime at a starbucks or sometihng and hang out see if maybe you introduce me to your lady friends eh its a win win for me :yipi:
zinga - cause s/he seems to be cool and cause he created this site
yoyo-is cool
hibby- hibby seems like a smart person
sparker-who wouldn't want to meet sparker
Also want to meet beaner2k6

Why? FootBall!
YoYoBallz Wrote:Also want to meet beaner2k6

Why? FootBall!
oh hell yeah i forgot about football, well since the chargers lost Sadist I've forgotten Sadist , and not be a bad fan though but i know the cowboys couldn't of made it far this year anyways
though i can't wait to see the superbowl,
NY and Boston have a history of hate, beginning with the Yankees and the Red Sox, this weekend  their gonna have another WAR! i want the patriots to win even though i hate Tom Brady :P
and those super bowl commercials lol i can't wait to see those
YoYo - Hang out, BMX. :D

Zinga - Rape

diego - Hang out, Graphics. :P

Sparker - For the lulz
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