Oh yar I'd like to meet some new people now.
McCabe :P because I want to
Squee :P because I want to get one of them external hard drives that fell off of the back of a lorry...
Metalgear!!!! cause I want to hang out wid him!!! YARR
Sushi - Well I hope to see you at the Expo....
Shady: I really want to go bombin with him XD
and basically everyone who is on my list of the worthy!!!!
Oh wait.
In seriousness though probably Assassinator and Sensei Seito
Tehy few i said before, but now add
Shady: Because he always seems really cool
Senseito: Because he always seems really cool
yoyo: always seems really cool
R!kuu: so i could 'borrow' her graphics abilities
Meh, most of the regulars actually, everyone here seems awesome
wooo someone wants to meet me. ^^
roberth Wrote:They few i said before, but now add
Shady: Because he always seems really cool
Senseito: Because he always seems really cool
yoyo: always seems really cool
R!kuu: so i could 'borrow' her graphics abilities
Meh, most of the regulars actually, everyone here seems awesome
thanks roberth
glad to see people would like to see me...
so if anyone is
ever in los angeles
hit me up I'll gladly share some meds with you
or just drink some brew
see who ep is made up of
Zinga : Hell of it
Sensito : Anime person :-p
Well I could have met wolf. . . I knew where he was going one day(yesterday). . .
I was just busy and didn't go there.
Kaiser: lol don't think it counts if I know him.
User: Zinga
Reason: Do I need more? It's Zinga.