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Vegetano1 Wrote:I want to look for more new offsets!! ;P
I know you want , me also wants to fix the infobar,but ......
What i found the freaking infobar is also apearing in ingame menus.
Also tried all alphas i found so far , and no one is used for the text ,they directly afects the entire infobar ... wierd
Not quite exactly when you , save or load game it apears , and the space betwen the text can be adjusted, but kinda i don't know how it works. im missing a lot of offsets , when i change them notihng visible hapens, but im sure under particular circustance you can see the change you made .... bahh maybe ill keep looking it ,but its verry anoying flash 15 times and don't see no change...
I remember VegetaNĀ°1 would many offset ...
I List all Float for :
Ac_K Wrote:I remember VegetaNĀ°1 would many offset ...
I List all Float for :
common_gui.prx «-- :great:
I was also thinking about the camera plugin , there are a lot icons that are in the camera mode,who knows maybe cool offsets can be found.
Edit : in the camera prx i saw atleast 3 X Y coordinates ,and alphas and also offsets with 10 20 wich maybe are some text size.
Nice how do you test the values to find what does what in the prx?
never mind that would probably be a hole semester of classes.
0x25f9c 2400 Time a slideshow picture stays on
0x25fa0 400 Fade-out time
0x25fa4 200 Not sure,.. maybe fade-in,..
0x25fa8 200 dunno
0x25fac 200 dunno
0x25fb0 1
0x25fb4 40
0x25fb8 200
0x25fbc 1
commengui offsets:
5e4c 74 x size Theme infobar sidebar 2
5e58 -235 x position text infobar but i set to -65 to work,..
5e5c 20 Space between text in infobar [y]
5e60 7.02 text size > submenu infobars> music, photo, game, settings(except theme)
3d64 1 dunno
3d68 480 prob gameboot resolution x
3d61 272 prob gameboot resolution y use in combo with gameboot
3d70 300 dunno
3d74 500 chamged to 8000 and gameboot was transparent
3d78 500 dunno maybe fade out also ^^^^^ maybe!?
3d7c 1 dunno
3d80 1500 dunno
3d84 17 glow opening
3d88 236 color count opening glow,..
3d8c 1 dunno
3d90 33.33 dunno
Common gui , what i have so far :
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