Guys i need urgent HELP!
I have a virus here that cannot be removed/desinfected/moved
the infected file is Windows/system32/unsrvc.exe
and that files connects to a web page wich contains malware (Trojan.Downloader - High Risk).
I cannot delete that file.
I think the only solution is run the windows cd and repair.
the anti-viruses won't work?
I use NJOD32 and have had no problems/
I would just suggest reformatting your PC.
Sounds like a variant of the Trojan.Win32.VB.bkz Trojan, if it is it shouldn't be difficult to remove at all. What AV are you using because almost all can remove that trojan in safe mode. If you can't remove it in safe mode you could boot into safe mode again and run;
at the command prompt, it will replace any non-standard files in your windows install.
well Im reparing the windows folder, if it doesn't work i will use that in the recovery console.
i used BitDefender 8 and it didnt work, i used kaspersky 8 and 7 and it didnt work.
they detect but they can't remove the virus :X
the virus name is Trojan.Downloader.VB.something here that i don't remember
(the name may be wrong as i don't remember if it is the correct name)
try looking at the processes in taskman .... if its in there or theres something that is not familiar to you ... end that process then try to delete the virus
too late lol, the windows folder was deleted and it is reinstalling it..
There are tools where you select a file and after reboot the files are deleted,.
I don't know the name of the tool anymore,. sorry,..
yeah one tool you could have used is Unlocker.
it ends the process of a file so you can delete it, or if it still can't be deleted it will be by the next reboot.
i swear by that tool - it can unlock any process and allow it to be terminated.
yeah its far simpler to terminate unknow process via taskman until you get the right one and when you do you can then simply delete the offending file.
well Im almost done with all drivers! I hope everything is fixed now..