Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
ok I want to put this on a shirt.
so I made it huge and at 300dpi.,
Spoiler for work:
[Image: DIEGO_by_diegopoo.png]
you image isn't showing.. at least its not for me.
works for me.
oh now its working. cool
Nice. (works for me... well duh... since it's showing)
thanks guys
made in C4D then touched it up in PS
real nice, its gonna be a bit hard to transfer that onto a shirt though, do you want just a cheap shirt transfer print or do you want to silkscreen it? silkscreen will be way expensive
just one of those iron on papers will do.
oh so that's how they do those ... i got to REALLY try this c4d.... .. :great: work diego O.O

how much ram & space does c4d need by the way?
D= how did you make that :'( i want to know NOW!
Pages: 1 2
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