Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone want the Sun!?
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lat03 Wrote:
« - ∂є∂αт - » Wrote:
diego Wrote:
beaner2k6 Wrote:
diego Wrote:
The_316_Wolf Wrote:
diego Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:
Dupain Wrote:
SXForce Wrote:
Dupain Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
roberth Wrote:
Dupain Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:
beaner2k6 Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:
beaner2k6 Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:
beaner2k6 Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Ge64 Wrote:meh, rather, the ppl who donated have been screwed :P
He's trying to deny it!
lol and to think i was gonna donate for a share of the sun
Indeed, it just burnt up anyway.
well it shouldnt be hard to donate back...
or maybe Ge64 spent it all on drugs and is in debt now...
meh.. he cheated to get the sun anyway... that's way it burnt up.
how did he cheat, how far back in the thread do i have to go to find out?
quote pyramids are awesome.
yeah, as long as they are not filled with sPa/\/\
Ahh well i started watching Elfen Lied.  wow it's scary =O.O= squash a head slowlyy urk =x.x=
the ending to that is amazing (imo of course)
Quoted for the sake of quoting.
aahhh.  i heard the ending is very sad.  i bet Nyu gets killed =;-;= it's already very sad.  Lucy already killed a lot of innocent people.  i got to download all the eps.  my internet is so stupid.  guess what speed it is.  come on anyone?
Hey, this starts to be a 'Quoting Pyramid' from top-view! :P
lol yeah.  wow people here seem have their childish part! that's good! =^___^= i don't feel lonely!
[Image: 38197spamyk3.jpg]
May I join the conversation?
lol this is a big pyramid
i want to join the quote pyramid!!

request accepted, welcome to the pyramid
enjoy your stay

This thread will be closed soon. enjoy it.
b-4 close,.. lol!
YoYoBallz Wrote:This thread will be closed soon. enjoy it.

It had to happen.

In after close.
In after ZiNgA BuRgA Desu
i hope i don't get scolded for posting one last time
Zinga, Wee need Deus and YoYo's in the plaza!!!

The Void will eat this thread soon.... I can feel it.
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