Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone want the Sun!?
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you guys are funny =^_^=
I don't have a donate button. 0_0
Because you can't donate to your self.
Even on others.
The_316_Wolf Wrote:Even on others.

it's called...

sun dust... pFt...
OUCH! That hurts!

I'am not talking about you, I'am talking about me!

I cought some of the sun dust... it was very, very HOT!
Here is a pic after it cooled down a bit in case you don't believe me, the dust is still glowing:
[Image: sd.png]
now wee have two people who have sun dust!
sun dust is cool, i can't seem to get my hands on any though
beaner2k6 Wrote:sun dust is cool, i can't seem to get my hands on any though

Sun dust is lame. The sun was cool but then it was 'borrowed'.and burnt up..... like hibby said.... wee all knew it was gonna happen. the moon is cooler anyway.

Well anyway... People want YoYo's Zinga!! YoYo's!
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