Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official SOTW Discussion/Suggestion Thread
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first person shooters??
...Lambda reminds me of half life :D
i had like to see a stock image this next SoTW!!
that would be quite cool actually
maybe in the next sotw the theme could be a band.
Chaoticgamer Wrote:maybe in the next sotw the theme could be a band.

there was one on music already...
its hard to think of themes because most of them were used

how about skateboarding?
How about a "4Chin Suck" themed SOTW??
MehHakker Wrote:How about a "4Chin Suck" themed SOTW??

too hard

it would be cool that the theme is one's avatar, i mean using your avatar IN the sig too
Trouble deciding on a theme...

Advertisement, you must advertise a brand.
Or maybe monotone/B/W
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