Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official SOTW Discussion/Suggestion Thread
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*Must use one of every color (ROYGBP)


*(diego's idea) Abstract sigs

*A certain game title (Gears of War, God of War, Halo, Mario) Use your imagination people :clown:

*Emoticons (I especially like this idear for some reason. . . .)

There has got to be plenty more, just. . . . . . . . .THINK!
squee666 Wrote:how about vector or c4d's

nah, i don't think i could do a vector-themed SOTW.....just wouldn't be fair to everybody else....

after all, there's only two people i know of that could give me a good fight in a battle like that.....and neither of them enter the SOTW anymore....
hey tigerfan I can help by placing a link to this thread in my sig too.

you want me to?
What about bands? or A video game series?
how about cars or motorcycles
How About Mass Effect Anime Shows Or Other Cool Stuff Like Family Guy Or Someones Name :)
how about tribute to TIGERFAN. or ZINGA
or A good theme would be 'Provided Stock/Render'

Tigerfan provides a render and wee have to use it.
o cmon I triple post!

noone is suggesting anymore.
well my suggestion for next week is it has to be black/white AND a REAL life stock.

that should bring out creativity.
maybe a thread style/layout for the post :S
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