Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.71 M33 Flashing
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yep fine - moved sensitive files to and from the flash0 kd folder with no side effects at all.
I guess this is how I bricked the other week :clown: fully replacing flash0 yay!

What changed in the 3.71 M33 recovery that phucked flash access up so much? And how come my MS doesn't get corrupted in recovery USB?

:meuh: :whip:
its run in kernal 3.71 - that's also why the elf converter won't work with it. perhaps d_a missed something when porting the file over.
also it does corrupt in recovery xmb but it takes a few copies before it happens. with me i was messing with changing the fonts and just all of a sudden it went - ended in a full brick - thank god for pandora.
So 3.71 is FULLY customizable like 3.52, as long as you don't flash through recovery?

Wee can customize xmb waves & all that?
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:So 3.71 is FULLY customizable like 3.52, as long as you don't flash through recovery?

Wee can customize xmb waves & all that?

So is there an upgrader for .rco files (I heard rco edit was not working on 3.71 rco files)

And do all customizations work?  
brin_vg's sig makes me wonder...

"Sony, stop mucking us around with all these PTFs, make your friggin RCOs work again. I mean, seriously... BRIN WANTS APPLECOR!!"

Applecor Theme is not working on 3.71 ??
Using an older recovery - not a bad idea :P
If the recovery is all contained in the recovery.prx file, does flashing an older one work?  Be warned that it may cause a full brick...

You can also make your own EBOOT if you want, by grabbing an SFO, and use the PRX/ELF as a .PSP file to compile an EBOOT.
i don't think it will as recovery mode in 3.71 uses 3.7 kernal. won't know till i try it though :)

yep im right it doesn't work however - and this is interesting - using an older one disables recovery mode. but the psp still boots fine.

sorry about the double post.

MrShizzy: i don't know about which rco customisations work however wave, background, font, paf, and vshmain all work fine.
coool! this is cool if its true...
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