ps3news? wasn't it ps3nfo?
ive never heard of ps3nfo. . . but I heard of ps3news after M33 and DAX flamed them.
k ps3nfo made sense to me cause ps2nfo was always fudgeing around in the gamecube scene as well
ps2nfo is ps3news, just different domain, and yes Maxconsole's PM system got hacked (not for the first time either) but the ps3news twats.
I seriously think that sort of hacking can be considered an offense.
I mean, you can't simply intrude into someone else's house, 'borrow' their private documents, copy them and distribute it. The same can be said about this kind of behaviour.
Unless they're hosted in some dodgey country, the country's law should prohibit such behaviour and thus if they contacted the host, the host of PS3News should deal with it...
There was talk of legal action, but wee never heard anything about that again.
those bitches have placed themselves above anyone else for years, they should be hit back. they deserve to go to jail for all i care
well they r also looking hostile to aop a little bit
Yeah as you see now , team AoP , pulled back the release , that means that they used M33 CFW as a base and added some plugin to it , well aonther Test30 in the scene ...
hehe lol at least they didnt become like ps3news and fight back