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Great links!

Just wondering why 5.50 rcos are missing these two?


Also PRXdecrypter is in version 2.1
Added CTFtooloGui and bootsound replacer 5.5!

Customizing RCO Tools » archived RCO tools » RCO Upgrader vC to 3.60
File doesn't exist :)
updated with Wave injector made by Highboy!
Is there a 5.50 .PTF creator, or are people still using 5.00 PTF creator for it?
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Is there a 5.50 .PTF creator, or are people still using 5.00 PTF creator for it?

Was wandering the same thing!>?
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Is there a 5.50 .PTF creator, or are people still using 5.00 PTF creator for it?

Was wandering the same thing!>?

what's the point?  I'm still using the original one from 2.71 or 3.71 whatever it was! :D
SchmilK Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Is there a 5.50 .PTF creator, or are people still using 5.00 PTF creator for it?

Was wandering the same thing!>?

what's the point?  I'm still using the original one from 2.71 or 3.71 whatever it was! :D

was wadering about the clasic & original wave setting
hi. :)
Thanks for the tools!
hope someone can help me  Made xbox 360 dashboard theme, but the browser doesn't not work when installed on 5.50 gen-b  Thanks
5.50 theme editing
I am trying to relocate the icon postions:
Update over to PSN, Camera to Settings, Game saves and Game Sharing to PSN, etc...
I make the changes and they are showing in the hex editor. Are these scrambled because they do not hold in the PSP XMB.
The values are still there in the hex proggy when re-opened.
I have used the 5.00 files and converted them after doing my edits and then they work.
I believe it is because they are scrambled. Is there a program to unscramble 5.50 prx files? Specificly vshmain.prx.
I am currently editing the Call of Duty Animated 5.50 theme to my MOD version, but have now luck with the floats after saving and building the theme the icons still reside in their original locations.
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