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I haven't decrypted the prx's quite yet, once I do they will be here immediately! Yay
Kratosjohn Wrote:I haven't decrypted the prx's quite yet, once I do they will be here immediately! Yay
Cuul! then wee can try and see whot happens when using the visualizer prx with the viz rco in CF 4.01m33 ;)

I guess all other rco's are the same,..
The vis works in 4.01.

Only other changes to 4.05 was a few rss changes nothing big.

EDIT: Prx's coming in a few mins, I got them Decrypted, uploading.

Enjoy this in the meantime [Image: 351d9iw.gif]
Sorry for the double post but here I finally present you with 4.05 Prx's Decrypted!

%^^^ thanks man!! great to see the new viz also works in 4.01m33,. i guess i can update my theme's now,. ;p
why is the 4.05 visualizers.prx and rco not working in 4.01 m33
Thanks for the 4.05 files. Now I got myself the new visualizer.
hellobonacua Wrote:why is the 4.05 visualizers.prx and rco not working in 4.01 m33

probably need the musicplayer files too ;)

but i havnet tried..it just seems to make sense
Vegetano1 Wrote:EDIT: i guess a new 4.05m33 is needed,. ;)

or just a new GEN custom firmware ;D
kenzodragon Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:EDIT: i guess a new 4.05m33 is needed,. ;)

or just a new GEN custom firmware ;D

DA is not going to make a 4.05m33 because the visualizers work in 4.01m33 too

Reuploaded the 4.05 prx files,.
update and added some new tools,.
-Highboy's new tool wav to vag v2
-Highboy's bootsound replacer v4.2
-added zinga's ecoedit 114b
-CTF manager v2,.

gonne make this topic more user friendly soon,..
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