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ix_stylez Wrote:
AzumiUehara Wrote:i said it before and ill say it again.. my fav. new action anime is Darker Then Black.. just watch the first episode... i disagree about naruto cause its over-rated but what's all this about lucky star?  ive heard of it but ive never seen it.. you guys are making me curious as to what im missing

i want that wallpaper in ur sig. do you have it in hi res (and preferably widescreen)?
lucky star is one of the funniest anime ive seen.
the girl in my avatar is one of the main characters in it.
yeh i want that as a wallpaper too lol
ix_stylez Wrote:
AzumiUehara Wrote:i said it before and ill say it again.. my fav. new action anime is Darker Then Black.. just watch the first episode... i disagree about naruto cause its over-rated but what's all this about lucky star?  ive heard of it but ive never seen it.. you guys are making me curious as to what im missing

lucky star is one of the funniest anime ive seen.
the girl in my avatar is one of the main characters in it.

could you tell me which group does the fan subs? i can find lots of anime just looking for an opinion on which does the best for this show before i watch it..
theres one good one by Eien no anime, but i think they stopped, and theres one by a.f.k.
Drama romance = lovelycomplex
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (Pierce the Heavens Gurren-Lagann or some thing like that) - Basically just big robots with drills and guns and stuff. So funny in parts but has a good story line aswell.
Eureka Seven - I loved the storyline for this anime and there are so many funny moments....Robots again but has a clever underlining storyline.
FLCL - Wierd
Monster - Its good but I prefer the manga. (Psycological)
Blood+ - Action/ Vampire stuff
Neon Genesis Evangelion= Brilliant

and I can't forget
Genshiken - Slice of life (Otaku Culture and clubs)
Well, It seems that most of the anime that I would have posted is already posted
so, I'll just mention one for under light humor that I didn't see here and that is:

Minami-ke (the Family Minami):  It has it's funny moments and very likable characters

(ps.  the fansubs are done by Ayeko)
_VEndeTta Wrote:Action
-Historical: Samurai Champloo
-Modern: Black Lagoon
-Futuristic: Cowboy Bebop
-Psychological: Death Note

-Ecchi: Love Hina
-Random: Excel Saga
-Romance: Chobits

-Weird: Elfen Lied
-Comedy: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
-Apocalyptic: Evangelion (Neon Genesis)

-Slice of Life: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
-Action: Claymore
-Comedy: History's Strongest Disciple, Kenichi

2 of how ever are on this list done.
watched elfen lied last night 1-13, i think i need counseling...

Art: 10/10
Animation: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Gore: 15/10

I recomend this anime aswell. If you can get it watch it.
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