Endless Paradigm

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AzumiUehara Wrote:i just thought it was too long... i like long anime but not with that many fillers and the fact that i just can't stand the character naruto...  prolly cause hes the exact opposite of my personality... i just thought it should been more to the point i mean do they really need ten episodes of sarutobi trying to remove orochimaru soul?  i didnt say it was bad just could have been alot better.. and cartoon network just needs to stop ruining anime

ye it was long, the last 80 eps were really boring...
it probably is over rated if ppl say its the best anime ever cause its not but its not that bad imho. i don't mind when stuff takes 5 eps (well, as long as i can watch them back to back) :P
Lol. I liked naruto, and still watch shippuuden (freakkin awesome puppet fight ;P), but I don't think it's an anime that "Nobody should miss". In fact, I would steer people away from mega-series until they have a few smaller ones under their belt.
draggy Wrote:That's my wife's favorite anime, lol.
Perhaps that's why.

I mean...  there's like 8 episodes straight where she's like "what should I do?  I feel so ____ around him.  <blah blah blah blah>".  Then the next episode, she says exactly the same things... Erk
yay well at least the torrents for rakistar are fast :)

also i forgot kureyon shin-chan

that's one for adolescent humor at most xD
I keep loling @ Naruto cause it reminds me of Fox Kids/Jetix who advertise it lol.
heres an anime you have to see

Chrono Crusade

3 words

Nuns With Guns
u left a lot of great anime....

School Rumble
fate / Stay night
Initial D

etc etc... lol...
AzumiUehara Wrote:i said it before and ill say it again.. my fav. new action anime is Darker Then Black.. just watch the first episode... i disagree about naruto cause its over-rated but what's all this about lucky star?  ive heard of it but ive never seen it.. you guys are making me curious as to what im missing

lucky star is one of the funniest anime ive seen.
the girl in my avatar is one of the main characters in it.
Tails Wrote:u left a lot of great anime....

School Rumble
fate / Stay night
Initial D

etc etc... lol...

Great anime, yes. Anime that nobody should live without? No. These are anime that I believe
define or embody each genre. That said, Initial D almost made it....
Golden Boy
those are definitively the bests, great story, great animations

about hentai
AKIBA GIRLS, lol, so damn funny
wife to wife i think, really cool

and that's it
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