Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm going to Stage 2!
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I have lots of anime downloading and being stored, and soon I would of filled my portion of the 320GB drive.

This calls for action.

STAGE 2!!!!!!! :yipi:

1) Downloading More Anime, More to be Stored
2) DVDs will be main storage device
4) Did I mention more anime? i think i did..

It'll cost me some of my moneys but it will be totally worth it D:

320gb is alot lol, i only have 2 80gb hdd's on my laptop.
LastPerson Wrote:and soon I would of filled my portion of the 320GB drive.

you can see i haven't watched that much.

bare in mind most of that is covered with Movies and Music by the Family, my portion is a mere 40GB already full

i'ma accelerating
External HD > DVD's
_VEndeTta Wrote:External HD > DVD's

Expenses, Vendetta..

PLUS, 1 Drop and BAM
Lulz. One hurricane and BAM. All ur dvd's dead.


I got a 150GB external HD for about 40$. Got so fudging sick of burning DVD's. @.@

DVD burning sucks, but I'm patient...  Saves so much money, something I don't have much of T_T

w00t, stage 2.  So... what does that mean?
Yellow hair, a tail, the usual. ;P

Yeah, for half the price you get twice the storage space, but I find DVD's so fragile,
and annoying. Gawd. Maybe if I'd had decent DVD burning software...But I can transfer
50 gigs in about 10 minutes this way. :D And I hope to god I'll never need more than 150.
like I said Zinga....

LastPerson Wrote:1) Downloading More Anime, More to be Stored
2) DVDs will be main storage device
4) Did I mention more anime? i think i did..



alright, I'm off to bed, konata and the girls are calling....
or 80GB ps3 > mobile mp4 player
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