Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm going to Stage 2!
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_VEndeTta Wrote:Yellow hair, a tail, the usual. ;P

Yeah, for half the price you get twice the storage space, but I find DVD's so fragile,
and annoying. Gawd. Maybe if I'd had decent DVD burning software...But I can transfer
50 gigs in about 10 minutes this way. :D And I hope to god I'll never need more than 150.
200+ DVDs...  = 800+GB (yes I fill them up)
Yeah, you can see I'm in a crisis if I bought HDDs, especially last year.

LastPerson Wrote:alright, I'm off to bed, konata and the girls are calling....
Social issues?
lol my pc only has a 40gb and a 20gb harddrive
I burn DVDs. Got like 100+Gb of anime. Most on DVDs.

And an equally, if not larger, amount of movies, on DVD as well.
ive got 750 gb overflowing as wee speak, and anime is a biig part of it...

i want an adaptec 3405 and 3x500gb drives but i guess im gna have to save money then :P
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