30/07/2007, 07:29 AM
Spoiler for gopez's Documentation:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:By the way, for anyone interested, the following is taken from gopez's PSP Documentation:
26.5 PSP
start end size description
0x00 3 4 '~PSP'
0x04 2 attribute
0x06 2 comp_attribute
2 FLAG_NORELOC (ie. norel=PFX; rel=PRX)
0x08 1 module version lo
0x09 1 module version hi
0x0a 28 name
0x26 1 fileformat version (=1)
0x27 1 nsegments
0x28 4 elf_size (unencrypted)
0x2c 4 psp_size (encrypted)
0x30 4 entry
0x34 4 modinfo_offset (high 8 bits are substracted from low 24 bits)
0x38 4 bss_size
0x3c alignment (4 16bit values)
0x44 address (4 32bit values)
0x54 size (4 32bit values)
0x64 ? (6 32bit values)
0x7c 1 type
0x7d 3 ? (3 8bit values)
0x80 0x30 ?
0xb0 4 elf_size_comp; (*1) psp_size - 0x150 ( == elf_size if uncompressed file)
0xb4 4 ? always 0x00000080 ?
0xb8 0x18 ? always 0x00 ?
0xd0 4 ID ?
0xd4 0x7c ?
*1) elf_size_comp is the size of the compressed elf; if the file is not compressed, it is equal to elf_size; rounded up
to the next align boundary, is equal to psp_size - 0x150
non sigchecked prx files header
0x28 - size of decrypted prx file
0x2C - overall size !
0xB0 - size of gzipped .prx file without ~PSP header !
0x130/0x132 - dunno ;p but taking the values from vshmain.prx will basicly allow to compress any vsh related prx file. ! (not needed for vshmain.prx and vshctrl.prx)
0x150 - body, gzipped prx file
the with ! marked ones are the ones you have to change.
compress prx files with gzip, you can use 7-Zip for this job.
the rest is just copy/pasting and editing the header.
Note: the default M33 3.51/3.52 vshmain.prx is different from default sony 3.51/3.52, so make sure you using M33's one as base. for the lazy ones i attached the default M33 3.52 decrypted vshmain.prx file.
i also attached a repacked paf.prx file so you can see the header.
Note2: this is not possible on OE because sigcheck protection hasn't been removed on any OE version.
Zmathue's picture tutorial
Zmathue Wrote:Here's a picture tutorial