Endless Paradigm

Full Version: System Update ---> Reboot
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Try disabling all vsh plugins apart from cxmb.

Also here's the cxmb I'm using in case it's that

It WAS game_categories.prx plugin that was messing it up. I turned
everything off then put on each one besides cxmb one by one and
the first plugin I tried was the categories, and it worked properly.
I wonder is there any way to change the text of the menu that
comes up when you enter:
[Image: screenshot20_zpsspzd3qvi.png]
The "Update Firmware" and "Update Game Ca..." text I mean
anyway to change that?
Barcelona Wrote: [ -> ]Did you try disabling game categories?

Just to be clear I disabled every OTHER plugin as well. lol
I wouldn't be surprised if it still rebooted if you picked "System update". Try it out, and in order to do what you're talking about, you're going to need to hex edit the .prx. Good luck, but I can't help as I don't have a working PSP anymore.
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]It WAS game_categories.prx plugin that was messing it up.

what version of "game categories" are you using?
game Categories v12
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]game Categories v12


000098AC = Update Firmware.
000098BC = Update Game Cat.

edit away :)
imwolfuk Wrote: [ -> ]
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]game Categories v12

000098AC = Update Firmware.
000098BC = Update Game Cat.

edit away :)

Do I need a hex editor for this?
HxD is the only thing I have that (I believe) will save
BigDaddyWeaves Wrote: [ -> ]Do I need a hex editor for this?
HxD is the only thing I have that (I believe) will save

yes a hex editor, HxD is fine, just find the offset I posted and change the text to your liking.
Here's what happens when I search for the offset(s)
[Image: cannotfind_zpsflzwcgep.png]
Please help...I don't know how to work hex editor programs.
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