Endless Paradigm

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Another thread because I'm bored and I don't want to go to bed even though I should

Google Play Music for the WIN. Being able to upload my library is a plus and you get YouTube Red as a bonus.
With the rise of streaming I find myself downloading albums less and less.
I don't really stream music much, but I was listening to stations on Google Play Music for a little while. Haven't done that in a while though, so I can't really vote. Also, I only used Spotify once to stream Kid Cudi's Speeding Bullet 2 Heaven album.
Spotify after Rdio closed shop. Spotify's Web Player is just awful though and I miss Rdio :(

I buy a lot of music so I make use of Amazon's AutoRip feature / cloud library which is nice.
Don't stream anything, but out of the above, Spotify is the only one I've tried before.

Whilst the idea of the service is nice, being forced to use a locked down player doesn't go down well with me.  I like my customisability.
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