woot it ma birthday 17 years of age and im back from getting the new harry potter book just qued since 6.30 and there were like 20 people the when wee left there was a que that went around 3 streets it had like 1000 people and i was all like woot first 30 to get the book
Happy B day man
have a good one
Happy Birthday!!!
squee666 Wrote:im back from getting the new harry potter book just qued since 6.30 and there were like 20 people the when wee left there was a que that went around 3 streets it had like 1000 people and i was all like woot first 30 to get the book
Time to download it. :mdr:
lol i already did i was already have way through the book w8ing in line
im going to buy me the chotto shot aka the Go Cam!
happt birthday man... tell me wat happens in HP cause im 2 lazy 2 read it!!!! :P