Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.51 system_plugin_fg.rco and sysconf_plugin.rco
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aaronbrooks  Wrote:
Anger Wrote:i need someone who has installed m33 3.51 firmware and has custom versions of sysconf_plugin.rco and system_plugin_fg.rco to try and go into usb mode via the xmb - mines freezes when i use edited versions of these 2 files.
also if anyone has same firmware installed and is using the eboot xmb loader let me know if yours works (with the latest update) because mines crashes when i try to run stuff. i think it may be another edited rco causing the issue but i need to be sure.
the same poo poo happend to me also i went into usb mode and it freezed on me and there is no rco editer for m33 cfw

does your browser freeze like mines also? i mean does it freeze whenever you try and change the address or click a favorite?
Certain plugins could interfere with the browser.

Custom fonts can also mess it up.

A corrupted registry can also be the culprit.

The web browser is pretty easy to mess up apparently. :P
That sucks. I didn't know that. Prolly why it wouldn't work on MPH's FW launcher. (v2.00)
i have never had a prob with that and i mod all my rco's..

that's just hype and bad modding
here is mine, sound works...
ok restored default registry and still same browser crash.
trying font next.
well it has to be bad rco's - that's the only thing left i havnt properly fixed yet. fonts had no difference either. :/
anyway thanks for the help ill be away for a day so ill post again if i need help when i get back.
i have these two file and i have had no trouble with them,i
m running cfw 351 m33-5
Anubis had suggested already what i could have.;) Just run out of ideas,O_O
convert them using the 3.51 decrypted rco's!
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