Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.51 M33-6 Released! [Uses Sony ISO Loader!!!]
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top menu works ..
I replaced music_main_plugin.rco but not needed i think..(bstronga commen gui thingy..comes with his prx)
What you need to replace is
sysconf_plugin.rco and system_plugin.rco
and some say the sysconf_plugin_fg.rco but i used my 3.40 rco and it works fine..
i have to agree with amzter, they shouldn't treat Becus25 like that, after all , they did take what dark _alex was doing and converted it into there m33 firmware, if anything they should be applauding him, he is making there firmware even better  as well as test30, if i knew how to write stuff like this , i would be doing the same thing, but sadly i don't, amzter you can use a program called rco tool , they will redo the topmenu icons  and some of the other  rco's, where you can use them on cfw 351 m33., I'll try to upload it and you can try it out.
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