Yup, compatibility is good.
they r doing good work but i don't like how they targeted becus25
its da's work theyve worked on n they can't take for granted that becus25 is doing nothing
its for the users to decide what firmware they want and is best its not for the m33 team to telll
that they want or don't want a 20 line plugin
great work nonetheless
100% Compatibility and Halved my loading times.... yup how can I be unhappy lol.....
This thing looks crazy... M33 owns!
And haha @ comments against becus25 and Test30. becus25 actually did a bit work on the 1.50 PoC firmware, but Test30 really just make a "20 line plugin".
Somebody explain why i still hear my UMD when i close a game..
With the new "No UMD" i mean
So is this a stand-alone upgrade or do I have to upgrade to the initial release then this?
how do i isntall this the read me aint a .txt file
Mmzzzz.... what about customisation? does everythign still work? if they all work fine then i would upgrade lolzz.....
i have upgraded but im not to sure if i can put the icons i had on 3.40 on
will they work?