squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm assuming I'm the only person who only buys manga :[
have you seen the prices seriously in UK i can't afford the amount of manga
just FMA 23 is over 5 pound so it would cost me ober 100 pound for all the series double you tee eff
in return, you'll
own the FMA collection. does that not appeal to you at all? neither the fact you're helping the manga publishing industry? :/
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm assuming I'm the only person who only buys manga :[
never assume. most series i read i have the physical copy for.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm assuming I'm the only person who only buys manga :[
never assume. most series i read i have the physical copy for.
My collections grown pretty big now...
Everytime I go to a bookstore I usually buy one book...
I can buy all the raws too but I don't go to bookstores that only sell Japanese books that often anymore... Also I can't read Japanese...
Though next time I go to one I am definetely grabbing a copy of
Which is about zombies + dunno... But it's awesome
Not an action manga so if you want to see heads flying off and arms beign torn off you can forget it.
Also love the art style of this one too.
My sister has a raw of sayanora zetsubou sensei because they didn't release it over here back then... I don't have any raws yet...
I would buy more if they weren't so expensive. D:
I own all of FLCL, and Trigun though. :p
(which are both two each xP)
does nobody read comics anymore?
i just finished the watchmen series,
now im reading From Hell.
i bet most of you don't even know who alan moore is.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm assuming I'm the only person who only buys manga :[
never assume. most series i read i have the physical copy for.
i would buy it if i had the access to it and if it wasn't so dam expensive. Over here it like $20 a volume.
I buy weekly shounen jump lately lol
I started reading some of Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I started reading some of Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai.
yay sparky :D\
just caught up with Oyasumi Pun Pun yesterday. really really really unique manga :P