Endless Paradigm

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I'v been reading one piece from the start at books a million.Man this kill the spoon out of naruto and bleach.
Looks like the pirates beat the ninjas.
I've lost track of the manga I've been reading, but now I've read this thread, I'll remember to finish Mahoromatic and Love Hina.
Also I wanted to check out the Usagi Drop manga but it was taken down from the manga viewer I use due to it being licensed.
Still reading Sasameki Koto.  I'm waiting for new chapters to be released on the manga viewer site I use.

I've started reading the Rosario+Vampire manga, but I only read chapter one.  Err... I'm not sure if I should continue.  I probably will, when I get bored enough.
I haven't read anything lately...

hmmm!! I think I'll read...Usagi Drop!
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't read anything lately...

hmmm!! I think I'll read...Usagi Drop!

Reading Pokemon Diamond Pearl adventure, if you can classify that as manga. Well, you do read it left to right. And I'm reading the FMA Manga series. :L
マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと; 漫画家与助手们 - Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to - The Comic Artist and His Assistants
Reading Spice & Wolf vol 3 (Lite Novel) at the moment and Gunslinger Girl's Omnibus 1-3 (Manga)
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