WiFiSlowland = 2.4ghz
WiFiPlayland = 5.0ghz
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Free Public WiFi
Sure it's free but it has WPA-PSK encryption XD
Just make sure you don't have a WPS capable router. If is, it's the same as being free to me 
Yup, I got one. Buffalo all the way XDD
I'm so creative.
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TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Free Public WiFi
Sure it's free but it has WPA-PSK encryption XD
Just make sure you don't have a WPS capable router. If is, it's the same as being free to me 
Yup, I got one. Buffalo all the way XDD
Backtrack linux can break WPA encryption in under 10 hours by exploiting WPS. I've done to a few routers near me for giggles.
Mine's GreenDeer. Didn't choose it, it came with our router XD
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Free Public WiFi
Sure it's free but it has WPA-PSK encryption XD
Just make sure you don't have a WPS capable router. If is, it's the same as being free to me 
Yup, I got one. Buffalo all the way XDD
Backtrack linux can break WPA encryption in under 10 hours by exploiting WPS. I've done to a few routers near me for giggles.
Yep, using backtrack can spoon my WiFi down. That's why I turn it off every evening XD