YoYoBallz Wrote: [ -> ]GetYourOwnDamnInternet
damn i didn't think of that XD
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Gangsta Network 4 Gangstaz Only
boogs 2.4GHZ
boogs 5GHZ
its a dualband router
Free Public WiFi
Sure it's free but it has WPA-PSK encryption XD
Stands for "wee're the spoon" 8D
Named after that continent in Legend of Dragoon.
TatsuyaXD Wrote: [ -> ]Free Public WiFi
Sure it's free but it has WPA-PSK encryption XD
Just make sure you don't have a WPS capable router. If is, it's the same as being free to me

mines just named Home. My neighbors though are a weird bunch and have names like ShyMonkey and BronzeShark.