Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.5X PRXs customization
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Is there any disadvantage when using  decryptet prx's???
thanks maxime.
you will have to make more space in flash0.

Also, a decrypted vshmain.prx will render some homebrew and all ISOs useless. there is a very easy fix though.

in other words, no real disadvantages.
osiron23 Wrote:you will have to make more space in flash0.

Also, a decrypted vshmain.prx will render some homebrew and all ISOs useless. there is a very easy fix though.

in other words, no real disadvantages.

This with the Homebrews and Isos is very sh*t....nah i won't make some modifications with my PRX's. but thanks for your reply
How do you fix this? I have a vshmain and none of my ISO's or homebrews are showing up in the game menu.
metalgear08 Wrote:How do you fix this? I have a vshmain and none of my ISO's or homebrews are showing up in the game menu.

I had this same problem this week as this is the first time I have done this. What you do is keep the original vshmain.prx and then rename the decrypted one to vsh.prx. Then you copy the binaries at http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=774 MAKE SURE YOU GE The RIGHT BINARIES FOR YOUR FIRMWARE!!!.

ALSO Make sure you have enough space in F0 or you may have issues.
Thanks a bunch. Now, I can have my sexy white option menu and play ISO's :)
Can someone post the binaries for 3.52 M33 please
paf editor and vsh editor updated
it can recomp/decomp?

oswakka Wrote:paf editor and vsh editor updated
it can recomp/decomp?


Now the XMBic is recoginzing the 3.52 Vsh . Thanks man , do you know why sometimes the battery gets stuck , the battery indicator ??
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