Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.5X PRXs customization
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3.51 PAF.PRX Customization made easy with the brand new PAF.PRX Editor by takeshi!
Maxime Wrote:3.51 PAF.PRX Customization made easy with the brand new PAF.PRX Editor by takeshi!

Link do not work!?
Maxime Wrote:3.51 PAF.PRX Customization made easy with the brand new PAF.PRX Editor by takeshi!

So Takeshi edited his 3.40 paf.prx gui? Cool.(^_^)
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Maxime Wrote:3.51 PAF.PRX Customization made easy with the brand new PAF.PRX Editor by takeshi!
Link do not work!?
Got to copy paste it in your adress bar ;)
^that works for 3.51?
Are you kidding? Just read...
Maxime Wrote:Are you kidding? Just read...

sorry. just wanted to make sure before i flash again.
Updated first post with more offsets (all) and the brand new utilities (such as VSH.PRX editor, the new XMBIC) ;)
What a clean & complete post Hahaha
What about vsh.prx of cf 3.52 M33 ?
Maxime Wrote:Updated first post with more offsets (all) and the brand new utilities (such as VSH.PRX editor, the new XMBIC) ;)
What a clean & complete post Hahaha

Very nice Maxime....Yes a very clean post I don't even have to wash my hands after visiting.:yes:
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