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Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Funny, after watching anime for the last 12+ years, and clocking more hours then a human should, I have noticed just how re-hashed this list is. Same formula, same style used over, and over (and over) with different names, same personalities, and slightly different plots.

And yet there are still at least 12 things on that list I will be watching.

I have to say, that made me lol.

But that is exactly why I don't watch nearly as much as I used to. Not just because of time constraints but because I just don't want to.
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Funny, after watching anime for the last 12+ years, and clocking more hours then a human should, I have noticed just how re-hashed this list is. Same formula, same style used over, and over (and over) with different names, same personalities, and slightly different plots.
It's the same with everything.  Games, music, movies, US TV shows etc - most of them are rehashes of stuff done before.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Funny, after watching anime for the last 12+ years, and clocking more hours then a human should, I have noticed just how re-hashed this list is. Same formula, same style used over, and over (and over) with different names, same personalities, and slightly different plots.
It's the same with everything.  Games, music, movies, US TV shows etc - most of them are rehashes of stuff done before.

Yeah it's true. But at least on video games they at least [undefined=undefined]try[/undefined] to do something different from their competitors (I don't mean a series, like CoD or Halo where's it's the same poo poo).

It's like the anime industry is scraping by and they know it. I guess it makes sense when they release 100+ new shows a year. Only a small fraction are going to be truly original.
[Image: Ib6ah.jpg]
"I love watching anime with pretty girls." > pile of K-on merchandise.

He meant "I love watching anime with moe", right?
maybe im watching this anime for fall/autumn

To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness
Bakuman 3
Chou Soku Henkei Gyrozetter
Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne!
Code: Breaker (finally!!!)

JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (so one of my favorite psx game gonna have an anime adaption hmmm)

Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! (didn't expect this to have an anime adaption Hihi)

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (Yay)

Hayate no Gotoku 3 (the art style kinda looks like the from the manga imo XD)

To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness (Adore)
Looking forward to....

- Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster
- Robotics;Notes
- Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
- Shinsekai Yori
- Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah it's true. But at least on video games they at least [undefined=undefined]try[/undefined] to do something different from their competitors (I don't mean a series, like CoD or Halo where's it's the same poo poo).
Most of the originality comes from the indie games IMO.
The studio stuff, well, they're not even coming out with new names, just use an existing title and increment the version number...

If there was some way to allow more people to make movies/shows, feasible as a hobby, you can expect more variety/originality.  Otherwise the studios monopolise the business and only need to produce something just good enough to turn a profit.
(actually, Youtube has been quite powerful in this, at least as a distribution channel)

Personally, I find anime typically has more variety than western TV in general, whom seem to always try to drive the same show to death.  Movies are a bit different though.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]Funny, after watching anime for the last 12+ years, and clocking more hours then a human should, I have noticed just how re-hashed this list is. Same formula, same style used over, and over (and over) with different names, same personalities, and slightly different plots.

And yet there are still at least 12 things on that list I will be watching.

I have to say, that made me lol.

But that is exactly why I don't watch nearly as much as I used to. Not just because of time constraints but because I just don't want to.

Same here onii-chan.
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