Endless Paradigm

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Hayate no Gotoku has dropped down on my interest list. It seemed to start as a comedy with romance aspects (Nagi>Hayate>Maria). Then is quickly turned in to a Hina/Nagi/Hayate (with some Maria). Which still was ok. But now it's a straight comedy harem with every female character and the typical clueless male lead.
I don't get what context you're using re Hayate coming next season, it's a new reboot written by the original author.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get what context you're using re Hayate coming next season, it's a new reboot written by the original author.

Never knew it was a reboot. Now I'm extremely interested, but at the same time,"Remake? Too Soon!".
Updated chart to v2.  New entries in list marked as bold.
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Only going to watch Robotics;Notes, and Psycho-Pass.

Adding Medaka Box Abnormal to the list, and that's pretty much it for me this Fall.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get what context you're using re Hayate coming next season, it's a new reboot written by the original author.

Okay, maybe I should watch it too. Also I haven't watched the second season but I heard it's not that good anyway.
It wasn't really going anywhere and it wasn't as good as the first season.

I guess they said "Sayonara" to its first iteration with that movie they done.

All the more confusing is that Manglobe handled the production of the movie.
There's a new Windows 8 app called Anime Seasons that has information about the upcoming shows.
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga chocolateai! (just finished watching this one and damn it's good)

and now currently watching "Hayate no Gotoku: Can't Take My Eyes Off You"

lol that title Hihi

EDIT: finished watching the show and not bad imo
well it's just the first episode anyway

EDIT 2: I'm gonna try "K" later it's gonna air on Animax @ 12:30 AM (same time as MBS Channel in Japan)
Regardless of the irritating production, Hayate no Gotoku: Can't Take My Eyes Off You 01 was just bad. I hope it gets better.

On the other hand, Shinsekai yori 01 was brilliant.
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