Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Burger King to sell 'Bacon Sundaes' this summer
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Sweet and sour works!

Has no ever ate Sweet and Sour Pork?!
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet and sour works!

Has no ever ate Sweet and Sour Pork?!

sour ≠ salty

wow EP corrects != to ≠

i like this
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]milkshake + chips is good

Even hearing it from you it still doesn't sound right :/
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet and sour works!

I think the discussion is between sweet and salty

Anyway, I've never tried something sweet and salty at the same time so I can't say.
Have had meat with cream, but have never tried spicy + sweet.  That one sounds interesting - thanks for the idea OMightyBuggy
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Spicy and sweet do work.

Jalapeno Ice Cream?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]If it's not Canadian bacon, I do not accept.

What's so special about Canadian bacon?

It's from Canada?  Everyone knows Canadian pigs are raised on nuthin' but maple syrup.
dat candied bacon
fast food bacon might as well just be paper with a bit of bacon flavouring... i honestly can't stand the stuff
What the f*** burger king do you ever actually taste your own products as I hate to point this out to anyone who doesn't know this.
But eating something salty and then something sweet straight after will give you a sour taste in your mouth.
But I personally don't mind sour but not that sour as some bacon is loaded with salt from places such as burger king.
If I am not mistaken because its dairy and salty meat it should be the exact same affect as eating salty fries from mcdonalds then drinking a milkshake or eating a mcflurry.
lol epic fail burger king this is almost as bad when pizza hut started selling pasta lol no one goes to pizza hut to eat healthy lmao.><
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