SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Nice it's finally online!^^
Aaand since a Google-like "Change Background" system was far too complicated here is a little script to change the background of the theme. I use it in Firefox with the Stylish extension but technically it should work with all browsers that support a form of CSS override:
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("")
body {
background: url("YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE") !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 100% !important
oho nice
too bad that white parts is blocking her

How'dya get it to work on Stylish?
jammz Wrote: [ -> ]How'dya get it to work on Stylish?
i just did this (I use Firefox 12.0 Beta 6 by the way )
copy the code >>> Tools >>> Options >>> Stylish >>> Options >>> Write New Style >>> Add title >>> Paste the code >>> add my own url background >>> Save >>> Done
![[Image: th_e151ae12.png]](
Right. Chrome must not work then.
It works! just have to find a more likeable picture now...
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Well Assassinator anyone can use any background they wish with Aoi Sora, just follow my little tutorial here:
Nice it's finally online!^^
Aaand since a Google-like "Change Background" system was far too complicated here is a little script to change the background of the theme. I use it in Firefox with the Stylish extension but technically it should work with all browsers that support a form of CSS override:
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("")
body {
background: url("YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE") !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 100% !important
Just replace the YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE with the path to your custom image, you can also use a image from your local harddrive, to get the correct path, simply drag and drop a image into your browser it will show you the correct path then. Also you MUST keep the quotation marks^^
So... How do you do this? I would love t use my own backgrounds :D
What browser do you use?^^
I use firefox good sir.
Then just download the Stylish addon:
and add a new style and past what I wrote up there, afterwards open a new tab and drag any image from your HDD into the new tab. Now Firefox should show you the file path in the URL bar which you can paste in the YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE area but keep the quotes!^^
As for Stylish and Chrome, yes it should work exactly the same with the exception that I don't know the document command for Chrome as I use it here: @-moz-document domain("")
moz-document won't work since it's a Mozilla specific command though Chrome should have its own, once wee figure that out it will work. Maybe Sensei can shed light on this^^
Nyu~ Wrote: [ -> ]SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Nice it's finally online!^^
Aaand since a Google-like "Change Background" system was far too complicated here is a little script to change the background of the theme. I use it in Firefox with the Stylish extension but technically it should work with all browsers that support a form of CSS override:
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("")
body {
background: url("YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE") !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 100% !important
oho nice 
too bad that white parts is blocking her 
And Nyu I already designed it with maximum background visibility in mind, this is as good as it gets without sacrificing the readability

SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]And Nyu I already designed it with maximum background visibility in mind, this is as good as it gets without sacrificing the readability 
don't worry about it
it's not really a big a deal

Kay, found a background that I liked and it worked :D
Is there any way I can change the color from blue to black or something?
EDIT: Heres my background :P
![[Image: 56583956.png]](
Well I don't know, color changes would be a bit extensive code wise and I have no idea how to do that sorry >.<
I also think the borders are somehow images. When I access EP from School, formatting's gone (Borders, backing etc.) but a quick look in Element inspector shows no images for post structure etc.
If you want, use a darker theme.