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Full Version: What EP Theme Are You Using?
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Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, I very much hope one day you will feel like like changing this.

Unlikely considering the fact it still means "Sky" - it is unfortunate that it reminds you of something you'd rather not think about ^^'

Lol, you make it sound as if this theme gave me deep trauma in the past or something.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]I was using Ai Sora, it's a very nice change from the default but I didn't like how the post wouldn't expand with the image if it was resized back to normal. I blame Senseito for this issue but only because I can't stay mad at Sky. He's just so :>

You saying you don't like it when you expand an image to its original size and the post window remains the same instead of oversizing? Can't really say it's an issue - it's just not being "broken", lol. A while ago I did implement a bug fix that sorted out the issue whereby if you expand an image you have no scrollbars to look at the rest of the image.. don't think that's what you're talking about though~

Maybe it's not "broken" but I'd very much rather see the entire image than having to scroll through it.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]I use Aoi Sora^^ It's the theme Sensei and me handcrafted to be unlike anything else as a forum and now I see that nobody uses it Sadist

Oh yeah, I very much hope one day you will feel like like changing this.

Unlikely considering the fact it still means "Sky" - it is unfortunate that it reminds you of something you'd rather not think about ^^'

Elaborate further
I just use the MyBb default.
After some extensive trial-and-error I have decided upon using the Emolution theme
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]I use Aoi Sora^^ It's the theme Sensei and me handcrafted to be unlike anything else as a forum and now I see that nobody uses it Sadist

Oh yeah, I very much hope one day you will feel like like changing this.  I don't know, imagine your theme is called "Aoi Haruhi" but with a picture of Mikuru on it instead, just doesn't feel very right.

Maybe after you play Baldr Sky which is currently around 20% translated.

[Image: baldr_sky%20kikuchi_seiji%20minazuki_mak...no_aki.jpg]

When I think of Aoi Sora in terms of Baldr Sky, this picture of Sora and Kou under the blue sky is sort of what I have in mind.  Ofcourse you can't actually use this since it's like semi-NSFW.

Well Assassinator anyone can use any background they wish with Aoi Sora, just follow my little tutorial here:

SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Nice it's finally online!^^

Aaand since a Google-like "Change Background" system was far too complicated here is a little script to change the background of the theme. I use it in Firefox with the Stylish extension but technically it should work with all browsers that support a form of CSS override:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("endlessparadigm.com")
body {
  background: url("YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE") !important; background-attachment: fixed !important; background-position: center center !important; background-size: 100% !important

Just replace the YOUR BACKGROUND GOES HERE with the path to your custom image, you can also use a image from your local harddrive, to get the correct path, simply drag and drop a image into your browser it will show you the correct path then. Also you MUST keep the quotation marks^^

I myself don't even use the default background anymore Hihi

The actual concept of Aoi Sora included a "Change Background" function for EP itself but wee decided to not bother Zinga with a proper change background function for all users^^;;

As for the missing banners, I admit I designed Aoi Sora like it is because I hate these changing banners but each to their own Gongxi
Im back to crystal Black. Is there any theme that has a black backdrop other than accord? >.<
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Im back to crystal Black. Is there any theme that has a black backdrop other than accord? >.<

Unfortunately, no.

Not many dark themes here :(
Well, there needs to be one.
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Well, there needs to be one.

agree...  white is too bright =D
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