Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Under Night In-Birth
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Pages: 1 2
Well, I kind of sucked on that one, true, I thought that Tekken was a 2D game for some reason.
I meant, that I am tired of all the same sideview fighting games.
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]I meant, that I am tired of all the same sideview fighting games.

While they're all the same game in it's core they each have their own mechanics and techniques to master. So I wouldn't exactly say they're same as another.
From the little I've played of Tekken, although it has 3D graphics, it's gameplay is largely 2D.  In fact, I'd say most side facing fighters are largely 1D gameplay (forward/backwards) with jumping to give some slight 2D-ness.
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