Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Under Night In-Birth
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I haven't been excited for a new fighting game in a long time.
[Image: B9j9y.gif]
holy spoon! that bitch is good against that, erm... thing.
holy spoon?!?!?
can wait to get it....
Eeeh. It's not really grabbing me, personally.
damn Wonderful
Looks like a Tekken/Street Fighter rip-off to me.
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like a Tekken/Street Fighter rip-off to me.

Which are in 3D and they're totally not the same.
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like a Tekken/Street Fighter rip-off to me.

You're comparing a 2D Fighting game to Tekken.

You're comparing a 2D Fighting game to Tekken. IWILLDEVOURYOURSOULMORTAL That's like comparing Mario to Castlevania.
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like a Tekken/Street Fighter rip-off to me.

Hihi  That game looks nothing like Tekken.  Since it's a 2-D fighter, the gameplay would be completely different compared to Tekken.

I still think you're cool SunnyAutumn, but that was a horrible comparison :/ 
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