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So had my Vita for little over a month now i think and im still happy with it. Ran outta games though... however its not long past launch blah blah

Im doing the whole playing PSP games on Vita thing which makes me a little sad. In particular Patapon 2, which was hella cheap on the store and was one of the few psp games that i pirated but didnt end up buying.

In the coming months though there is a spoon load of games coming out, and my streak of new Vita games starts this Friday with Resistance Burning Skies.

Pre-ordered it a few weeks back and now its almost time :D Getting it because im a fan of Resistance in general and i really want to see what an FPS is gonna be like on Vita.

I keep reading all these news articles online about how sony wants all games coming out on PS3 this year on Vita as well, and how they are not gonna cut any resources from the Vita and how they want it to be the next big thing and they'll do everything in their power to ensure this etc

I really, really, really hope this to be the truth. I see so much potential in this thing and want support. First off they best start with some useful system updates. I also expect decent things from them at E3. Make us happy Sony, all these promises make it hard to throw money at you.
I hope Final Fantasy X is released as a cross-title. I'd love to be able to play a single game on both systems.. but I have a feeling that won't be happening =_=
Yea that would be great :D But wee'll see....

I want goddam Gravity Rush already. The release date got pushed back to the end of next month for NZ :( Resistance better keep me amused till then.
They're remastering it on a device with no AA....yea it better be on the PS3 or hell will be payed dammit.
Spoiler for "uncharted's watered down graphics":
[Image: playstation_vita_uncharted_golden_abyss_..._drake.jpg]
In other news Dragon's Crown and Zone of the Enders is going to be for Vita/PS3 and I hope they do the same for FFX...get hyped crackas.

Yea there is a butt-fudge load of games coming out. And as far as no AA goes, its there lunar just not yet. As you can imagine the PS Vita is being severely under-clocked currently.



[Image: rSb2W.jpg]
Only particularly interested in games that take advantage of the Vitas controls to be honest.

If there are cross-platform games I'm particularly interested in that don't feature cross-play I'll be getting for my PS3.
Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice, Little King's Story and Persona 4 the Golden are the only ps vita titles in my watchlist, other games will be poo poo

and check resistance burning skies reviews today, its funny, lol

i have a friend that already have the game (resistance burning skies) yesterday, and now he already selling it a lower price (he said he already beaten the game in less 6hrs)

and im waiting for the Gravity Rush demo, i hope its different from the Asian Demo version
Got my vita not too long ago. Impressed by the weight and the toouch, but mainly the screen! :D

Still have to get a game for it, but that's what a 50$best buy card is for :3

Oh, and my new PSN is Rawrsor_ :D
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice, Little King's Story and Persona 4 the Golden are the only ps vita titles in my watchlist, other games will be poo poo

What? Rayman Origins and Wipeout 2048 are amazing.
I've had mine for a few days and I am also liking it. The interface works well most of the time for me. WipEout 2048 is great to play and looks great to. The browser works, though I suspect it'll be ilfated with Sony's lack of love for updating and improving browsers on their consoles.

My only gripe is the content manager. It makes everything hellish and the transfer speeds aren't as good as they could be. I also tried backing up my Vita  and about halfway through it always fails. Not to mention you have to manually copy your PSP saves into the content mamager folder and then use the vita to copy it whilst the screen lags out. Why can't it intergrate with Media go? I don't want more software on my PC. I feel sorry for those somewhere without a internet connection trying to use the manager as well. Also there seems to be issues with SEN and people on PS3s not being able to see you online when you are. And then there's the cross play and onlne multiplayer in wipeout pretty much just being a quick match service rather than a fully fledged lobby. In my mind, I wanted to take my Vita to my friends and race them via crossplay!

Buttons are okay, I expected to homescreen to make use of them but it's all touch only. The start and select buttons are a little to small, I find myself pusing them with my nail more then my thumb. Also the anolog sticks tend to foul the buttons, they just seem a little too close. But I'm loving it.

At the moment it seems good. But Sony still could do a lot to secure and boosts it's position in the market. One thing that gets me is that they've not carried features from the PSP that would have been great to start with. Also I find the SEN store for the Vita heavily limited, and also, I haven't searched the PC version thoroughly but what's with the lack of access to PS Vita content?

I hope things get better and the content manager is vastly improved.

Also everyone knows the screenshot shortcut right? PS Button + START
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