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Quote:The December issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Newtype magazine is announcing on Thursday that a theatrical film project of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is launching. The magazine also notes that the original television anime won 12 of the 21 awards at the first ever Newtype Anime Awards in Tokushima last month.

The acclaimed television series aired from January to April of this year. The finale was delayed due to the March 11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake or Higashi Nihon Daishinsai disaster. Aniplex of America, the American arm of the Japanese production company Aniplex, will release the original television anime on Blu-ray Disc and DVD in three English-dubbed volumes, starting February 14 of next year.

Not sure if want
Oooooh, English dubs.

What I like about dubs is that I can watch without having to pause or rewind because I missed something reading the subtitles and I can watch what's happening on screen better. The only problem is if the dubs have bad voice acting.
A movie, huh? Could be cool.
I haven't finished watching the series yet, but I'm liking it so far.  If they plan to make a movie, I'll probably watch that too.

As for an English dub...  It could be bad or good, depending on the voice actors they hire :/
Most fans would watch the show before they get a US release, so in a sense, dubs are probably not really aimed at you guys.

I'm guessing the film might just be a summary of the TV series, like most other films based on TV series'?
At first it was said that it would be two films covering the original story and a 3rd with new plot
A new plot, hmm... interesting.
Probably a side story or prequel then.
ive read in some sites that the Madoka film is only the summarized plot of the tv series
I change my mind from "want" to "not sure if want".

The TV series was excellent - I don't think it needs changing.
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