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Full Version: Madoka Film Project launched.
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Senseito Wrote: [ -> ]The TV series was excellent - I don't think it needs changing.

Also somewhat related, I watched the Kiddy Grade movies awhile back and all they did was reuse the footage and cut some parts out so it would all fit :/
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito Wrote: [ -> ]The TV series was excellent - I don't think it needs changing.

Also somewhat related, I watched the Kiddy Grade movies awhile back and all they did was reuse the footage and cut some parts out so it would all fit :/
I heard the third one was a bit different?
Are the Kiddy Grade "Movies" even shown in cinema?  I think they're probably just OVAs to be honest.  Noone would go to the cinema to watch 80%+ reused anime footage lol.  EDIT: OVAs actually cost even more than movies now that i think about it... so probably still movie, lol.

As for Madoka film, I don't really care.  Seen the anime, know what's going to happen already.
Proper Aussie Wrote: [ -> ]I heard the third one was a bit different?

No, it's still all reused. But if there was something different about it, I didn't notice it.
Cool thanks, saves me time not bothering to watch it.
Have no idea double you tee eff this is, but quite possibly handy for Android users https://market.android.com/details?id=co...acountdown

EDIT: actually, read the description, for the PSP game I'm guessing
Thaught it was supposed to be about regular school life instead of being meguka.
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