Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The PSP2 is going to be released
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Sparker Wrote:*UPDATE*
The specs of the PSP2 are now reveled to public, check it out
"Firefox blocked 1536 popup windows."
>_>  I wonder what that could be...
My Firefox crashed after clicking that link :)
Sparker Wrote:I think Goatse is a typo of Goatsex D:

never click .on.nimp.org
they always crash
im dissapointed, i seriously thought FF wouldnt fall for that poo poo.
Ge64 Wrote:im dissapointed, i seriously thought FF wouldnt fall for that poo poo.
Same here >_>  Though I didn't exactly die cause my connection's slow, but computer's fast, so I managed to kill the site before it did much XD

I might take a peek at the code when I get home :P  It did open ChatZilla and Thunderbird though.  Lulz.
Should probably put a little warning on that though Erk


[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
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